Genesis 28:16 “And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said Surely the LORD is in this place; and I knew it not.”

…From yesterday…

At Bethel, heaven meets with the earth. It is a place of the altar where ideas and destinies are birthed. It is a place of glory, fulfilment and great accomplishments. It is a place where seed becomes harvest, it is the birthplace of all our desires!

God made a great promise to Jacob which could only be fulfilled at Bethel.

Genesis 28:13 “And, behold, the LORD stood above it, and said I am the LORD God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest to thee will I give it and to thy seed;”

Genesis 28:14 “And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed”

The plan of God was for Jacob to take root at Bethel and begin to spread out from there but he totally missed the point. In order words, he completely missed God at Bethel. He didn’t understand the importance of Bethel in the journey of his life.

He didn’t understand that Bethel was pivotal to whatever he will become in life. He knew God was there but wondered away.

Friend, my counsel for you today is to return to your Bethel. Remember that the fulfilment of your dreams and visions is tied to Bethel. Your success in life is geographical and territorial, if you miss your place like the bird that wonders (Proverbs 27:8), success becomes elusive.

Don’t go and suffer for over twenty years before coming back to take your place.

Remember, the ladder was setup and God appeared at the top of it without efforts, but when Jacob came back about twenty one years later, he had to wrestle with God for it!

You need not wrestle for what has been given to you on a platter, yield to God and His Spirit quickly. Don’t be ignorant, know where God has assigned you and stay there, Selah!

Love you BiG

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