Luke 17:13 “And they lifted up their voices, and said Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.”

There is a side of God that he always uses when he relates to man. It is called mercy. This is the attribute of God that makes it easy for him to relate with men on terms that even the devil cannot comprehend.

Mercy is God’s compassionate disposition towards man. It is what makes man obtain what he does not, and cannot qualify for. It is what makes God go out of his way to help a sinful man.

Mercy and grace comes from the same root word and as such can be used interchangeably. Someone said, “Mercy is a love that responds to human need in an unexpected or unmerited way”.

These lepers were not qualified to talk to the priest, appear in the Temple or mingle with other people but yet they got their healing because they invoked the power of the mercy of God. They actually knew the side of God to touch in order to provoke him to act on their behalf.

Hear this:

James 2:13 “…Kind mercy wins over harsh judgment every time.” (MSG)

Mercy always upturns harsh judgment against a man. These ten lepers knew there was a very harsh judgment against them.

This judgment has kept them out of the mainstream society. It made it difficult for them to go to the conventional market. It had made it impossible for them to visit family and even prevented them from going to church.

They were outcasts in their own town. They were denied access to the basic things of life. Leprosy was indeed very harsh on them.

But then, on this faithful day, Jesus the convener of grace, mercy and truth showed up, and mercy prevailed over harsh judgment.

Beloved, I have news for you, whatever harsh judgment is against your life and destiny will be upturned by the mercy of God today. Whatever has caused you shame and sorrow must give way today.

The mercy of God will show up and restore you back to good health, and to your place in life and destiny. You will never be a destitute. Mercy turns your shame into double honor today, in Jesus name.

Love you BiG

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