Luke 17:15 “And one of them, when he saw that he was healed turned back and with a loud voice glorified God,”

Luke 17:16 “And fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks and he was a Samaritan.”

When this “one leper” saw that he was healed, he didn’t just return to Jesus, he returned with a loud voice glorifying God. Not only that, he fell on his face at his feet. This guy was genuinely shouting and glorifying God.

I noticed something very funny in our days, we use the word “the Lord has done it” carelessly. When we say “thank God”, we just say it as a general statement not one of intent. When we have a miracle and tell our friends that it is God that did it, they still go ahead to add, “We know it is God but can you really tell me what you did?”

That shows they didn’t believe it but most times I don’t really blame folks that talks like that, it is not just their fault, it is the way we communicated our thanks!

Friend, if you are truly grateful, there is a way you shout it that even the devil and hell knows you mean it. This particular leper wasn’t just happy, he was truly grateful beyond words. The Bible even says he prostrated! This is the exact picture of a grateful man.

In case you don’t know, shout is a potent part of praise and thanksgiving. You cannot contain a man that is truly grateful. Have you ever had an experience that blew you away such that you celebrated without caution? That is an expression heaven want to see from time to time!

Hear this:

Psalms 47:1 “O clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with the voice of triumph.”

Ps 47:5 “God is gone up with a shout, the LORD with the sound of a trumpet.”

Friend, even God shouts, so we cannot afford to be quiet. The winning side is always the shouting side. When you’re quiet in victory, it simply shows you’re an ungrateful fellow.

Spontaneous praise should always ooze out of our lives. You must never allow the enemy keep you quiet.

Friend, SHOUT to the LORD!

Love you BiG

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