1Samuel 17:47 “And all this assembly shall know that the LORD saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the LORD’S, and he will give you into our hands.”

…From yesterday…

Friend, what is that matter you’ve been told is impossible? What have they said can’t happen in your life again? Which doctor’s report have concluded your case is hopeless? Truly it might be impossible with men but not with God.

Our God is not just a God of possibilities, He specializes in impossibilities as well. Where men stops is where He starts. If only you can brag about Him in that mess; you’ll see His wonders.

Look at how David rounded up his speech; “…for the battle is the LORD’S, and he will give you into our hands.”

David was a spiritually intelligent believer. He didn’t mince words, he so boasted about God that he threw the whole of heaven into pandemonium. God knew that answers must better be supplied or else the whole world will see Him as unable and incapable!

David had earlier listened to Goliath. He heard Goliath boast with his own gods:

1Samuel 17:43 “…And the Philistine cursed David by his gods.”

David knew it was no longer about Goliath and the Philistines against Saul and Israel, it was now about their gods and his God. The battle line was drawn and pride is now at stake. Pride between the spiritual forces backing each country up is now on the line.

David knew he must respond appropriately and unleash the might of heaven against the giant. Even God knows that with the way David had boasted about Him it will be a letdown if He doesn’t step in quickly. God knows it’s not going to be a shame on David but on the God he had boasted with.

When you boast in the Lord in that negative situation, you’re handling over the battle to Him and literally “forcing ” Him to show up and swing things in your favour, for His pride’s sake!

Love you BiG

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