Exodus 17:8 “Then came Amalek, and fought with Israel in Rephidim.”

The Amalekites came and fought against Israel but unfortunately, they came against a formidable force that is unconquerable. Israel are not a people you engage in battle. You simply cannot win against them, I hope you know we are the spiritual Israelites?

Why are we unconquerable?

The Hebrew meanings of the name Israel amongst others are: great, mighty one, powerful, strong and God prevails. Note that it didn’t say, will become powerful, will be mighty or God will prevail. It says God prevails. God will not prevail, He has already prevailed!

This is where it gets interesting. Friend, I want you to know that the believer in Christ is powerful beyond measure. He is not going to overcome he is more than a conqueror. Jesus himself has fought the battle and credited the victory into our account.

Are we going to have battles and challenges? Yes, we will but we are victors even before the fight commences. I want you to know that we are not fighting to win, we are victors already. We are simply fighting to maintain our victory.

We are armies of occupation, maintaining territories for Christ till he returns. This cuts across every area of our lives as believers and a thorough knowledge of this will put your mind at rest when confronted by the enemy.

1Corinthians 15:57 “But thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory [making us conquerors] through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (AMP)

Christ fought and gave us the victory, so what does this translate to?

It means you are not the sick trying to get well, you’re the well maintaining your healing! You’re not the poor trying to make ends meet, you’re the rich trying to pull down resources from the banks of heaven.

You’re not a failure looking for success, you’re a success awaiting manifestation. You’re not the weak trying to get strong, you’re the strong maintaining your strength.

Friend, the Almighty God Himself lives in us, we are powerful beyond measure!

Love you BiG

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