Matthew 14:31 “And immediately Jesus stretched forth [his] hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?”

In our focal scripture, Jesus gave us an inkling into why Peter began to sink. He said he has a little faith but that was not the problem. The main issue is doubt.

We know that the problem is not the little faith, Jesus himself made us realize that even little faith can move mountain:

Matthew 17:20 “And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove and nothing shall be impossible unto you.”

Since the little faith is not the issue here, let’s take a critical look at doubt. Doubt means to think something is unlikely or to feel unconvinced or uncertain about something.

Doubt also mean not to trust somebody or something. To suspect that somebody is not sincere or trustworthy, or that something is not true, likely, or genuine. It is been unstable or wavering in ones believe about something or someone.

You’ll discover that what Jesus was saying to Peter about doubt was something of magnanimous proportion. In actual fact it’s a sin that grieves the very heart of God.

Jesus told Peter to come but along the line Peter doubted. It means Peter was simply telling Jesus that He cannot be trusted. He seems to be telling Jesus He was not sincere about his asking him to come.

Peter was saying walking on water is actually not possible. His fisherman brain and training took over. All his life he has seen men swim but not walk on water. So doubt set in.

Friend, when you doubt, you’re simply calling God a liar. Even if somebody calls you a liar, as a man you don’t take it lightly, so can you imagine how God feels when you doubt Him?

To be continued…

Love you BiG

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