
Matthew 14:29 “And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.”

Peter asked Jesus if he can come and without hesitation, he was told to come. The word come as used here means to manifest itself, to change position or location.

Friend, you have stayed too long in that position, it is high time for you to manifest and change position or location. There were at least eleven other men on that ship but it was only Peter that changed location.

I want you to see that the ship where you have been taking solace is too small for you and “eleven other men”. There is a sea of possibilities waiting for you to explore, why limit yourself to that small confinement?

The reason many people are where they are is simply because they’re afraid to take risk, but the issue is this, you will never know what you’re missing till you try something new.

The word come means “manifest”, this simply means the ability is in you already awaiting manifestation but because you have refused to move, the world couldn’t see it. I want you to know that the whole world is standing at attention and waiting for you to manifest, why not take that first step? Hear this:

Romans 8:19 “For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.”

It simply means until you “come”, some people will remain bound and unfulfilled. Some creatures have been expecting you to change location since and some are suffering because you have refused to take that step.

Peter couldn’t manifest until he yielded to the call. The whole world was busy waiting to see the miracle of a man walking on water until Peter finally moved.

However, I must sound this note of warning, don’t “come” or move as it were until He ask you to!

Peter didn’t walk on water as it were, he walked on the word!

To be continued…

Love you BiG

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