A cry for help-1

A cry for help-1
2 Kings 4:1 “Now there cried a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets unto Elisha, saying, Thy servant my husband is dead; and thou knowest that thy servant did fear the LORD: and the creditor is come to take unto him my two sons to be bondmen.”

Previously, we looked at the dead prophet-in-training who didn’t seek for help from his master but rather went talking to creditors.

Today, I want us to take a look at his wife. I just love this woman’s spirit and demenour towards life generally. Although the bible didn’t say it expressly but I want to believe she must have advised her now dead husband severally to consult with the man of God before matters got out of hand, and probably he didn’t oblige her.

We can make this inference because when the creditors came, she didn’t beg them, bribe them or sign a pact with them, she simply ran to prophet Elisha. She could have tried other means but she didn’t even consider other options, she ran straight to the prophet.

Thank God for wise women. This woman might not be a title holder in church but she knew some things her husband doesn’t know. She knew where timely and appropriate help was domiciled.

This woman ran to church. She knew that God is the only source of legitimate and proper help. She believed her man of God and of course she received help.

I was asking the Holy Spirit to show me what this woman knew that was hidden from her husband and I was shocked at the discovery. Here is what I found out!

She ran to prophet Elisha. The Hebrew meaning of the name Elisha amongst others are: “God is salvation”, “My God is wealth” and it also means “to cry for help”. What a revelation of spiritual truth given to this widow.

In order words the name Elisha means, “Cry for help to the God who can save you and give you wealth”!

To be continued…

Love you BiG

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