Limiting a limitless God-5

Limiting a limitless God-5
Psalms 78:41 “Yea, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.”

…From yesterday…

You see a student who came from a poor background getting enrolled in the university and finishing as the first graduate from his father’s house, complaining after barely two years of graduation and no job.

He starts asking why God took him through the university, when He knew He cannot get the him a good job. He has completely forgotten the faithfulness of God on several days when he thinks he would dropout and God suddenly makes provision available.

You even see a man with a good job, who prayed and fasted for days before the job came through, but suddenly because he is yet to be promoted he starts blaming God. He starts asking why God allowed him get a job if He knew he won’t be promoted on time.

Many of us behave like the children of Israel. At the first appearance of a little challenge all that comes to mind is the false state of comfort we used to have. We seem to prefer bondage to freedom, forgetting we cried to God to bring us into our current state.

Friend, if God brings you out from there, it will take God to sustain you here. That same God never abandons a man half way, He sustains him to the very end. If He has provided for you in the past, He can equally provide for you in the present and future.

Like I said earlier, we may take a judgement sit and blame those Israelites all we wanted but I want each of us to take a critical look at our own lives to see how and where we’ve been acting like them!

Friend, don’t limit God in your life! Don’t incapacitate Him because the consequences will not favour you! Hear this:

Numbers 14:28 “Say unto them, [As truly as] I live, saith the LORD, as ye have spoken in mine ears, so will I do to you:”

To be continued…

Love you BiG

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