​The focus of heaven

​The focus of heaven

John 9:1 And as [Jesus] passed by, he saw a man which was blind from [his] birth.

Beloved over the next couple of days, we will be meditating on John 9:1-9. It’s a story we know but I want to trust the Holy Spirit to unveil to us some truths that will bless our lives. 

The process that led to the healing of this blind man started in the very first verse. Nothing else would have happened if Jesus had not seen the blind beggar on this very day. 

In our focal scripture, the bible says “…as Jesus passed by, he SAW a man…”. We don’t know for how long this man had been in this position or perhaps for how long Jesus might have been passing that way, it’s even possible Jesus had passed that way and had seen the blind man before. 

His disciples might have even given the man arms before but on this particular day, Jesus SAW him! His miracle began when Jesus PASSED BY him. The word “passed by”, from the Greek is translated to mean “be led to”.

On this particular day, the Holy Spirit led Jesus to this blind man but it didn’t stop there, Jesus also saw him. The word “saw” from the Greek also means; “to pay attention, observe, notice, discern”.

In order words, on this particular day this man was brought to the attention of heaven. The whole of heaven stopped to attend to him. Did God forget him? No! But his matter was brought into focus. His case was called up! 

Friend, I have news for you, this is that day, that month and year when your case and issue will be brought to the attention of heaven. It doesn’t matter for how long you have suffered, I want you to know that heaven will pay attention to you. It’s your turn to be brought before the throne of mercy.

Beloved, beyond your prayers, efforts and wisdom is something called the Mercy of God. This is strictly at the prerogative of heaven, so if there is something you must cry for this year it is the mercy of God. 

Love you BiG

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