​Valley of decision: The fighter-2

​Valley of decision: The fighter-2

Joel 3:14 “Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD [is] near in the valley of decision.”

…From yesterday…

The world is under the influence of the enemy and he will naturally want things to go wrong. If you leave your mind without putting it under control, all manner of negative thoughts start crossing it.

You cannot allow your flesh to roam, you must understand the sophistication of the enemy we are contending with. He is a destroyer and waster of life and destinies.

No destiny will be automatically fulfilled. Everybody that made head way in life and destiny had to fight in one way or the other. 

Mike Murdock said, “You will never outgrow warfare, you must simply learn to fight”. 

One thing that changes the seasons in our lives are the choice of battles we are willing to confront. If you “fight nothing”, you become nothing! 

Life is simply a battle between godly and positive attitudes as opposed to demonic and negative ones. It is easier to be abusive rather than to be soft spoken with a well tamed tongue. You will never meet a well-behaved, well-mannered man who didn’t put in an effort at one time or the other.

Friend, if you want to eat the grapes of this earth, you must be ready to confront giants! Warfare always surrounds the best of miracles. 

Ask any achiever and they will tell you what they had to contend with before they got the success you now adore and admire them for. Nothing great ever happens on a platter of gold. 

I once asked a great achiever how he obtained his success and he said, “I had to pray and fast for forty days and night”. He fought his flesh and put his desires under control. There are no easy successes anywhere, don’t be deceived. 

A pastor once said he prayed in tongues nonstop for ten hours each day for several days to silence a particular assault of the enemy. 

To be continued…

Love you BiG

LIFT! (bb pin:76235DBD) 


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