Beyond the Tower of Bethel and Edar-8

Beyond the Tower of Bethel and Edar-8
Genesis 35: 21 “And Israel journeyed and spread his tent beyond the tower of Edar.”
…From yesterday…
Beloved where is your own Edar? What has been your Edar experience? Has somebody left your life and you can’t seem to get over it? Friend, whatever be the Edar, it is time to move on.
Like we noted earlier, God is dynamic in operation and always moves beyond Bethel and Edar. Hear this:
1 Samuel 16: 1 “And the LORD said unto Samuel, How long wilt thou mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? fill thine horn with oil, and go I will send thee to Jesse the Bethlehemite: for I have provided me a king among his sons.”
After God rejected Saul, Prophet Samuel “built a monument” around the rejection, making it Edar. God simply came to him and told him point blank, “I have moved on” (Emphasis mine).
God said he had moved on from Edar and he expected Samuel to do same. God was simply saying, “Samuel, don’t cry over spilt milk, keep moving; I have moved on to the house of David”.
Beloved, quit Edar! I know the question that keeps coming up in your heart is, “Quit Edar and go where?”
That’s the interesting part. Jacob didn’t move on from Bethel and Edar for nothing, his focus was on Ephrath. Where is Ephrath?
Ephrath is a Hebrew word meaning to bring forth fruit, (to be, cause to be, make) fruitful, to grow and to increase. Ephrath is a place of divine increase and enlargement. It is the place of breakthrough.
Ephrath is a perfect place! There is always an Ephrath before every one of us. Until you get to your designated Ephrath success will remain elusive.
I love this man called Jacob or Isreal so much. In spite his previous achievements he kept going.
Genesis 35: 21 “And Israel journeyed and spread his tent beyond the tower of Edar.”
To be continued…
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