Glorious Return-6
Luke 9:52 “And sent messengers before his face: and they went, and entered into a village of the Samaritans, to make ready for him.”
Luke 9:53 “And they did not receive him…”
Luke 9:56 “…And they went to another village.”
…From yesterday…
Jesus had some “arrogant” disciples who felt they could do and undo. They felt they carried so much power and could call down fire, brimstone, etc. whenever, wherever. They were power drunk!
Even though they had power, they didn’t understand it neither did they know its proper application.
Perhaps the Samaritans saw this in James and John and got put off by their attitude; no wonder Jesus went back alone.
Beloved, change your approach; re-strategize; drop whatever has constituted a hindrance to you. Talk to somebody that will listen to you. Not everybody will give you audience; never forget that.
Another thing I learnt is that Jesus improved his own value. He worked on himself. He went and polished his gifts to such an amazing degree he could not be resisted again. When Jesus got back, he didn’t just come as a passerby or preacher, he came as a prophet.
When he met the Samaritan woman he told her about her past and present; that was a prophetic gift of word of knowledge at work. This woman couldn’t resist Jesus’ gift. His gift spoke for him!
When Pogba left Manchester United, he could have given up football or decided to go try another sport, but he didn’t; he simply went to another club and “horned” his talent. He added value to himself. He developed his potentials and became a world renowned central midfielder. He stepped up his game!
Friend, now that you have been rejected, what are you doing to yourself? This is no time to sulk; it is a great time for self discovery and reinvention. Add more value to yourself.
When Jesus got back to Samaria, he looked for somebody he could give value. The value he gave made way for his glorious return.
To be continued…
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