Praise with Understanding-2

Psalms 47:7 “For God [is] the King of all the earth: sing ye praises with understanding.”
…From yesterday…
The answer I got from the church leader shocked me. He told me that the Senior Pastor and guest minister wouldn’t be attending the praise and worship session. I asked why. He said the praise and worship was to let people around know that the program had started.
He said he was in touch with the Man of God (probably on phone) and was reporting the crowd situation to them.
He said once the population hit a certain number he would inform them to start coming so that they could commence the meeting proper! I asked if the praise session was not part of the “meeting proper”. He said, “No, it’s just to gather the crowd and entertain them while waiting for the word and miracle session!
He said their Senior Pastor hardly participated in praise session; instead he normally joined when they were about rounding up the session or when it was over!
For God’s sake, how do you explain that? What impression is such a MOG giving his members about praise! I am not trying to condemn him or such churches; but the truth must be told that something definitely is wrong with such mindset.
Praise is not for “our entertainment,” neither is it something we do in church to fill up empty spaces in our programs, nor yet what we do while waiting for the crowd to gather or the MOG’s arrival!  
I discovered that even sinners and unbelievers know that we praise God by dancing and singing in church, so we cannot intimidate them with it, even though it is something that should intimidate them!
Praise is one of the most powerful, most potent tools and forces that make miracles happen in Christianity! It is something no force on earth and in hell can resist! It is like a bulldozer that subdues obstacles and anything on its path! Why?
To be continued…
Love you BiG
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