Life Lessons from Driving-17

Mark 4:35 “And the same day, when the even was come, he saith unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side.”
Mark 5:1 “And they came over unto the other side of the sea…”
…From yesterday…
I have since discovered such people will always be on our roads, whether we like it or not! We can’t avoid them; but then I also realise I am in control of my response to them! This is a very interesting discovery!
I can choose to return the insult and abuse or choose to ignore them or even wish them well and pray for them!
Rather than return their insult, I can ignore and drive off as if nothing happened! I have seen men park by the roadside, get out of their cars to exchange blows, just because of a crazy driver. Don’t join in the madness; stay under control.
I know that’s a bit difficult to swallow, but with God’s help, you can. Such men are looking for where to deposit the trash they’re carrying; don’t let it be on your head. When men attack you and abuse you, just ignore them and drive off. Don’t stop to argue with a man that is going nowhere!
Replying such crazy drivers makes you crazy as well!
Finally, on our journey in life, we must begin with The End In Mind. Start with a clear destination in mind: where will you end your journey? How will you end it? These are questions to sort out before embarking on a journey, trip or project.
Settling this in your mind is what will help you maintain focus and keep you on course. It will also help you to take necessary precautions.
Make up your mind to end well and receive a “Well done, good and faithful servant!” (Matthew 25:21, 23). Don’t get to the end and wish you had followed another route, driven faster or slower, etc. Make sure you end at the exact destination you pictured!
I pray for you today that you will end well; you will end strong and get to your desired destination. You life will not be truncated by accident in Jesus name. Amen!
Love you BiG
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