How are you building?

How are you building?
1 Corinthians 3:10 “…let every man take heed how he buildeth…”
Permit me to start this piece with a story by Edwin Markham, titled the Builder.
A certain rich man wanted to help someone. He saw the squalor in which a certain poor carpenter lived with his large family. The rich man sent for the carpenter and placed in his hands the blueprint for a nice home. He ordered that the house be made beautifully and sturdy, and that the best materials be used, regardless of the price. He further explained that he was going on an extended trip and wanted the house completed when he returned.
Seeing the chance to make a huge profit, the carpenter skimped on materials, hired inexperienced workers at low wages, and covered mistakes with paint.
When the rich man returned, the carpenter handed him the keys to the house and told him that his instructions had been carried out to the letter. Good, replied the rich man as he returned the keys to him. “For the house that you have been building is yours. You and your family are to live in it.” In the years that followed, concluded Markham, the builder often regretted that he had cheated himself.
Beloved, what type of structure are you building? What is your commitment like to your work? How are you handling the assignment committed into your hand?
Do you see it as an opportunity to illegally make money for yourself or as a service to God and humanity?
Apostle Paul is admonishing us today to take heed how we are building! You might think nobody is watching but the truth is this, God is watching with keen interest and the bible calls Him the rewarder (Heb. 11:6). When He comes to mark your building, what will be your score?
The way you’re treating your bosses’ work, would you be pleased if people gave you the same quality of work? Can you live in the house you’re building for another?
Take heed how you build, Selah!
Love you BiG
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