Yes you can-9
Luke 1:60 “And his mother answered and said, Not so; but he shall be called John.”
Luke 1:61 “And they said unto her, There is none of thy kindred that is called by this name.”
…From yesterday…They don’t mind the boy being dumb as well. They saw a Zacharias go dumb and don’t mind a repeat.
Many people’s destiny have been truncated by the names they gave them at birth. They put the same limitations which the parents had on the child. Names are spiritual and have the ability to shape the destiny of a child!
Thank God for John’s mother, she told the elders a blatant, NO! She refused vehemently, she made up her mind that things must be different and for things to be different, she must do a new thing.
I can imagine those old men shouting her down, “…
There is none of thy kindred that is called by this name.” (Luke 1:60)
No one in our lineage has ever beared that name. We will not give it to “our son!”
When Elizabeth refused to bulge, they made signs to the dad to seek his opinion and he told them to give him biro and paper. He also went ahead and wrote the name John! Hear this:
Luke 1:63 “And he asked for a writing table, and wrote, saying, His name is John. And they marvelled all.”
Luke 1:64 “And his mouth was opened immediately, and his tongue loosed, and he spake, and praised God.”
Something interesting happened after Zacharias did the unusual, his mouth opened and his tongue loosed! He might have remained dumb for life if they had named the child Zacharias instead of John!
Friend, are there things that are closed and tied up in your life and destiny? Then, it’s time to do the usual and impossible and watch your “mouth open and tongues loose!”
Until you try something new you will never know how far you can go. You will never know what lies ahead.
Push yourself to the limit, and watch the miraculous happen.
Love you BiG
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