Green Olive Tree-2

“But I am like a Green Olive Tree in the House of God…”(Psalms 52:8)
Have you ever heard the phrase, “extending an olive branch”? It simply means, let there be peace. It started since the very first time the dove brought the olive branch. It also means surrender.The water receded, and surrendered to Noah.
Friend, you’re olive, every trouble of life will bow before you. They will not swallow you. Everywhere you go peace steps in. You are a messenger of peace and tranquility! When the disciples were about drowning, Jesus (the Prince of Peace) was busy sleeping. When they woke him up, he simply send out part of the peace that was within him, the peace that made it possible for him to sleep in the storm, and the storm ceased! You are like Christ,“… as he is, so are we in this world”, 1John4:17. You have the very Peace of God on your inside; let it permeate your heart so that you can silence every turbulence on the outside!
Here is another interesting characteristic of the olive tree. According to the Encyclopedia Judaica, “There are Olive trees in Israel estimated to be 1,000 years old that still produce fruit. In old age the tree becomes hollow but the trunk continues to grow thicker, at times achieving a circumference of 20 feet”. The olive lives very long. You will live long. Nothing can or will truncate your destiny. You are to live a full rich life. “ With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation”, (Psalms 91:16). “…the number of thy days I will fulfill.” Exodus 23:26.
You will not just live long and suffer; you will live long in riches and be productive all the days of your life. Amen!
Interestingly, if the trunk is cut down, the shoots from its roots continue to grow, ensuring its continued existence. Longevity runs in your genes. Your life and destiny cannot be cut short. Like the olive, you’re simply indestructible! …(to be continued)
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